Causes: Necrotic enteritis is caused by Clostridium perfringens types A or C. The organism is transmitted by soil, dust, litter and faeces. Can be induced by choice of raw materials in feed and/or coccidiosis. Clostridium perfringens can become especially prevalent in the small intestine when no antibacterial growth promoters are used.
Effects: Ataxia, intoxication, diarrhoea, depression, ruffled feathers, reluctance to move. It may also cause dysbacteriosis, leading to vitamin or mineral deficiency.
Detailed causes:
All types of chickens from two weeks onwards are susceptible to this acute to chronic disease. The agent involved in the aetiology of the disease is Clostridium perfringens which produces types A and C alpha toxin and type C beta toxin. It is also called creepers because chickens are sometimes ataxic (can’t move).
Mode of transmission
Soil, dust, litter and faeces spread the organism.
Special note
It may cause malabsorption syndrome leading to vitamin or mineral deficiency.
Clinical signs:
Ataxia, intoxication, diarrhoea, depression, ruffled feathers and reluctance to move may be seen.
In acute cases death can occur within hours of the disease onset.
Postmortem lesions
Dehydration (darkened skin), emaciation (no breast muscle), congested liver, cooked (ruffled up) intestinal mucosa – primarily of the jejunum and ileum can be seen. Intestines are often distended and filled with gas. There is water in the crop.
In acute cases enteritis occurs with just a grey layer of necrotic material on the mucosa.
Diagnosis is based on the gross lesions (ruffled intestinal mucosa), clinical signs and bacterial isolation on blood agar plate. Colonies are surrounded by an inner zone of complete haemolysis and an outer zone of discolouration and incomplete haemolysis.
It simulates coccidiosis and ulcerative enteritis.
Treatment and control:
Bacitracin 50 g/ton given continuously in the feed, improved sanitation, lincomycin in feed or water. Rearing birds on wire will prevent the disease.
Bacitracin (200 g/T) in the feed and vitamins and minerals in the water to reduce the disease.
Lincomycin, ozytetracycline, amoxicillin and tylosin can also be used to treat the disease.
Bacitracin is now banned in most countries.
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