Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Warning Gumboro

. Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Infectious bursal disease is an acute, highly contagious viral disease of young chickens. It is most often found in highly concentrated poultry producing areas. It causes marked morbidity and mortality in affected flocks. Although the disease causes severe losses, its affect on reducing the bird's ability to develop immunity to other diseases may be the most serious effect produced by this disease.

The transmission or spread of the disease can occur by direct contact (bird to bird), contaminated litter and feces, caretaker, contaminated air, equipment, feed, servicemen and possible insects and wild birds. It is extremely contagious.

Birds have ruffled feathers, a slight tremor at onset of the disease, strained defecation, loss of appetite and are dehydrated. Affected birds have a tendency to sit and when forced to move, have an unsteady gait. Vent picking is common and a whitish diarrhea frequently develops. A sudden rise in body temperature is followed by a drop to subnormal temperature, prostration and death. Birds surviving the initial infection will recover rapidly within two weeks.

Postmortem lesions include dehydration and changes in the bursa, skeletal muscle, liver and kidneys. All affected birds have bursal changes characterized by swelling, change in shape (oblong), color (pink, yellow, red, black) and the formation of a gelatinous film around the bursa. Within a few days the bursa shrinks to half its normal size or smaller.

Diagnosis of infectious bursal disease is based on flock history and postmortem lesions. Laboratory procedures may be used to substantiate the diagnosis.

Vaccines are available but must be carefully used. If given correctly, good immunity can be developed. There is no specific treatment for infectious bursal disease and indiscriminate medication with certain drugs may severely aggravate mortality. Supportive measures such as increasing heat, ventilation and water consumption are beneficial.

from poultryweek

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Friday, December 26, 2008

The Advantage of Cholesterol

. Friday, December 26, 2008

Cholesterol is subtance in food stufffs of animal origin,widely distributed in animal fats and tissues,considered as causal agent or arteroscleroses and coronary diseases in heart of human. According to Prof Dr Ali Khomsan, nutritionist of Agriculture Technology Faculty, Bogor Agriculture University, that cholesterol is important as raw material for formation of bile acid and steroid hormon as well as lipo protein of plasm as the component of cell membrane,responsible for permeability and activity of membrane to stimulate enzym.
The cholesterol in egg yolk to naturally supply for development of embryo. Content of cholesterol in each gram of quail egg yolk is higher than in chicken egg yolk.In general cholesterol in egg yolk is synthezed in poultry liver,transported by blood in form of lipo protein and to be stored in growing folicle and delivering to ovarium.

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